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Original Research

RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 702-704

Comparison of upper extremity muscles strength in school going children with and without carrying heavy bags using dynamometer

Amara Liaqat, M Waqar Afzal, Hafiza Sana Ashraf, Ashfaq Ahamd.


Objective: To compare of upper extremity muscle strength in school going children with and without carrying heavy bags using a dynamometer.
Methodology: Data were collected from different private schools and 54 children were selected through a non-probability convenient sampling. Only healthy children were included and those who had congenital diseases, recent trauma, and neurological disorders were excluded. A self-made questionnaire was used and the strength of upper extremity was checked by using a dynamometer in pounds.
Results: Among 54 children, 37 (68.5%) were boys and 17 (31.5%) girls. Twenty-seven (50.0%) carried bag on shoulders and 27 (50.0%) used trolley bags. Shoulder flexors mean strength was 14.57±3.824 lb, extensors 14.44±3.627 lb, abductors 14.37±3.753 lb, adductors 14.41±3.418 lb, elbow flexors14.91±3.578, extensors 14.83±.884 and upper trapezius 15.63± 4.341lb.
Conclusion: School-going children with carrying bags on their shoulder showed more muscle strength than those who did not carry bags on their shoulder.

Key words: Carrying bag, dynamometer, muscle strength, upper extremity.

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