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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 457-460

Quantitative measurement of upper extremity muscles strength among badminton players through dynamometer

Ali Shehvaiz Younas, Waqar Afzal, Tahir Mahmood, Faiza Sharif, Muhammad Mubashir.


Objective: To assess muscle strength of both sides of upper limb among badminton players through hand held dynamometer.
Methodology: This cross-sectional comparative study included 100 male badminton players. We used nonprobability purposive sampling technique and male players in age range of 16-40 from clubs of Lahore were included in the study. Muscle strength was measured by handheld dynamometer. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis. Independent sample t-test was used after checking normality of data.
Results: Out of 100 subjects, 91 were right-hand and 9 left hand dominant players. Right shoulder abductors were strong with mean 37.16±6.23 lbs. (p=0.00) than left, and external and internal rotators of both sides were not statistically different in strength (p=0.70) and (p=0.70), respectively. Flexors were stronger with mean 44.78±5.64 lbs. than extensors (p=0.21 and 0.54, respectively). The abductors and external rotators of both sides of shoulder had moderate correlation and elbow flexors of both sides had strong, while extensors have weak correlation.
Conclusion: The difference between flexors of right and left shoulder in badminton players was statistically significant (p

Key words: Elbow strength, extensors, flexors, badminton.

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