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Serum and salivary obestatin concentrations in the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

Adem Yavuz, Suleyman Aydin, Bilgin Gurates.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: : To measure obestatin levels in the blood and saliva samples of normal-weight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in comparison with normal-weight healthy controls, and to determine whether there were relationships between blood and/or salivary obestatin levels and other measured parameters.
Materials and Methods: Fifteen healthy women and 15 patients with PCOS, all of which had normal weight, were included in the study. ParticipantsÂ’ age, height, weight, menstrual characteristics, hormone levels, body mass index, waist/hip ratio, and modified Ferriman-Gallwey (FG) scores were recorded. Obestatin levels were measured in both fasting blood and saliva samples. Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA-IR) was used to predict insulin resistance.
Results: In the PCOS group, menstrual cycle duration and FG scores were significantly higher (P-value,

Key words: Ferriman-Gallwey; normal weight; obestatin; polycystic ovary syndrome; saliva

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