Objective: To measure impact of social support on caregiver stress and life satisfaction in mothers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders
Methodology: A sample of 104 caregivers (mothers) of age range 21 to 50 years of children with neurodevelopmental disorder was taken from Children Hospital, Faisalabad in January-February 2020, through purposive sampling technique. Interview form, Multidimensional Scale for Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Kingston Caregiver stress scale (KCSS-10) and Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) were used for data collection. Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression was used for data analysis.
Results: Social Support was significant predictor of satisfaction with life (β = .423(t (102) = 4.716, p=0.000), Special Person support (β =.349(t (102) = 3.763, p=0.000), Family support (β =. 332(t (102) = 3.559, p=0.000) while non-significant predictor for Friend support (β =. 142(t (102) =1.452, p=0.01).
Conclusion: There is significant impact of social support on mothers life satisfaction who are raising children with neurodevelopmental disorder. There was non-significant relationship between social support and caregiver stress.
Key words: Social Support, caregiver stress, life satisfaction, neurodevelopmental disorders.