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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2291-2325

Learning Difficulties In Mathematics And Its Relationship To Cognitive Failures Among Middle School Students

Dr. Ruqayah Hadi Abdulsahib.


The aim of the current research is to know the mathematics learning difficulties Of middle school students, the cognitive failures of middle school students, the correlative relationship between mathematics learning difficulties and the cognitive failures of middle school students. The current research is limited to students of the intermediate stage of schools in the center of Babylon governorate for the academic year 2019-2020. To achieve the objectives of the research, a random sample of (410) male and female students was selected, then they were distributed according to the percentages in the community, i.e. (46%) of the males, whose number reached (189) And (54%) of the female students, who numbered (221) students. To achieve the goals of the research, the researcher built a mathematics learning difficulties test. The test includes seven domains. In its final form, it consisted of (28) paragraphs from two alternatives, where a score of (1) is given for the correct answer (0) for the wrong answer. The Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, prepared by Broadbent and his colleagues (Broadbent, Cooper, FitzGerald & Parkes, 1982), was adopted and translated, modified and adapted to make it suitable for the Iraqi environment. Happens Always, Happens A Lot, Happens Sometimes, Happens Little, Never Happens) The student can choose one of those alternatives and the alternatives are given scores from (1-5) respectively. The researcher verified the validity of the tool by the method of apparent validity and construct validity, and verified their stability by re-testing.
There are a number of middle school students who suffer from difficulties in learning mathematics.
Math learning difficulties and cognitive failures in the intermediate stage can be detected through tests prepared for that.
The problem facing those with learning difficulties mathematics and cognitive failures is how to process information.
4. There is a relationship between difficulties in learning mathematics and cognitive failures in terms of the level of students’ cognitive abilities

Key words: Mathematics ,Relationship, Failures , Middle, School ,Students

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