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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2326-2332

Awareness Of The Teachers Of Primary Schools Towards Implementation Of Rte Act (2009)



Education is the single most important agenda for overall development and social justice for any society. Without basic education we cannot think about progress of a society, hence education must be treated as a matter of right. Recently govt. of India passed the Right to Education Act, 2009 for the children aged between 6 to 14 years; it provides primary education as free and compulsory irrespective of Caste- creed, religion, language and sex. There are some provisions in the RTE Act which are to be implemented within the stipulated timeframe. To effectively implement the RTE Act, mainly the teachers must aware about the RTE Act. This study was intended to evaluate the Awareness of the primary teachers of Rangia Sub Division of Kamrup (Rural) District. For this purpose a sample of 100 teachers of primary school was taken for collection of data by using random sampling technique. A self-structured interview schedule was prepared by the investigator for the collection of data. Appropriate statistical techniques were used to test the hypotheses of the present study.

Key words: Awareness, Primary School, Implementation, RTE Act.

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