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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2333-2337

Ahom Patronage To Chamariya Satra

Dr. Nara Kanta Adhikary.


Amongst the Satras of Kamrup district Chamariya Satra is the prime one. It is one of the important Satra amidst the Satras of Assam. Following the advice of Mah¡purusha Madhavadeva, his most favourite disciple Sri sri Bar-Vishnu Ata established this Satra in 1410 saka (1588 A.D.). Chamariya Satra is situated in the present Chamariya village under Chamariy acircle of Kamrup district of Assam at a distance of 15 k.m. North of Boko town. The Satra is named Chamariya according to the name of the village.
In the ChamariyaSatra, a conical structure with concrete brick wall is situated on the northern side of the eastern end of the Kirtanghar, which is locally called Math. The Math was built by the Ahom Swargadew Lakshmi Singha in 1693 saka (1771 A.D.). The Swargadew also granted 800 bigh¡s of land for the purpose to run the Satra without any difficulty along with a Copper Plate inscription which gives us all information in detail.

Key words: Ahom ,Patronage , Chamariya ,Satra

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