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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 884-888

Effect Of Aerobic Capacity Tabata Training On Selected Neuro Muscular Activitiesof Adolescents Boys

Dr. R. Mohanakrishnan.


Background: the main aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of aerobic capacity tabata training on selected neuro muscularactivitiesof adolescents boys.

Method: Therefore the purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of aerobic capacity tabata training on speed and agilityof Adolescents boys. In this study thirty (30) subjects, of Adolescents boyswere randomly selected from in and around the SRM Campus, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu. Selected subjects divided into two groups namely such as aerobic capacity tabata training fifteen (15) and control group fifteen (15). Timeline: The aerobic capacity tabata training was consisted of 45-60 min/day, 3 days in a week till 8 weeks from in and around the SRM Campus, Kattankulathur. Neuro muscular activitiescompleted of the both groups at zero time and after 8 weeks of aerobic capacity tabata training intervention group. Speed was tested by 50mts (Dash) in seconds and agility was tested by t-test mts shuttle run, Pre and post-test random group design was used for this study. The Paired ‘t’ test was applied to determine the difference between the means of two group. To find out whether there was any significant difference between the experimental and control groupsConclusion: The advantage of aerobic capacity tabata trainingconcluded that, there was a significant difference exists between experimental and control groups on speed and agility. The control group did not improve the selected criterion variables.Therefore aerobic capacity tabata training covered in this study are beneficial for the Adolescents boys.

Key words: Aerobic Capacity Tabata, Paired ‘t’ test, NeuroMuscular Activities, Adolescents boys.

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