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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 839-846


D. Saraswathi, Dr. J J Savithri.


An individual engaging in positive environmental behaviour depends on his or her will and prudence. Today at homes many such positive environmental activities are being implemented and carried out. Segregation of waste, avoiding wasting of water, avoiding use of plastics, planting trees are some common practices witnessed both at homes and outside. Organizations also take efforts towards environmental sustainability by encouraging employees to display pro environmental behaviour at their workplace. The success of any effort taken by an organization surround the employeesÂ’ inclination and participation. Earlier research indicates that HR can influence employee attitude and behaviour. Therefore, through HRM practices employing sustainable environmental practices can be done. Green HRM is an approach adopted by organizations to protect the environment. Green Human Resource Management involves initiatives such as online interviews, electronic filling, carpooling, job sharing and teleconferencing, work from home, e-training, energy-efficient office spaces etc. resulting in greater efficiencies. This research aims to study different green HRM practices followed in a manufacturing company. One other objective is to study if green HRM practices influence pro-environmental behaviors among employees. Questionnaire was distributed 100 employees of the manufacturing company and data was from them. By using SPSS, data was analysed to get the desired result. It was found that green HRM practices have significant effect on the pro-environmental behaviour of the employees. Furthermore, the results have been deliberated and recommendations provided to persuade employees to inculcate and exhibit pro environmental behaviour.

Key words: Green HRM, Pro Environmental Behaviour, Environmental Sustainability, Manufacturing.

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