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Effects of l-glutamine supplementation on reducing c-reactive protein (CRP) levels and length of stay in intensive care unit post laparotomy

Daniel, Pontisomaya Parami.

Cited by 0 Articles

Backgrounds: Post-laparotomy ICU patients have an average length of stay in the ICU with an average of 7-14 days depending on the procedure and postoperative complications. When the body is sick or injured, glutamine will become "conditionally-essential" which is a condition where a person needs additional food or supplements. Glutamine (Gln) has been shown to have an important function for various organ systems, including the intestines, the immune system, and to maintain acid-base balance. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a sensitive inflammatory marker to assess non-specific inflammatory response and there is an inverse relationship between Gln and CRP levels (r = -0.44, p < 0.05).
Aims: L-Glutamin 20 gram intravenous per day for 3 days can reduce CRP levels and length of stay in ICU of the post-laparotomy patients.
Method: This study used a double-blind randomized clinical trial to compare a group with L-Gln supplementation and without L-Gln supplementation, for laparotomy patients who were treated in the ICU from March to June 2021.
Results: There were 40 patients divided into 2 groups. The statistical analysis results found the difference in CRP levels, p-value

Key words: C-reactive protein, Glutamine, Intensive care unit, length of stay, laparotomy

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