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Review Article

Interactive potential of Pseudomonas species with plants

Suhana Shaikh, Nutan Yadav, Anoop R. Markande.

Cited by 6 Articles

Pseudomonas species or pseudomonads are known for their metabolic and ubiquitous diversity which enables them to survive in extreme conditions such as in marine and terrestrial environments as well as in association with flora and fauna. The sequenced genomes of many strains of Pseudomonas spp. show their vast repertoire of biotechnological applicability potential with respect to their genetic makeup and also exhibit industrially important applications due to physicochemical tolerances to extreme conditions (such as temperature, pH, and toxic chemicals and solvents). The best studied species include opportunistic human and plant pathogens, soil bacteria, and the plant growth-promoting pseudomonads. Pseudomonas species also are plant-commensals known for exhibiting effective antimicrobial activities and enabling plants to retrieve key nutrients. Hence, studying Pseudomonas with respect to its various characteristics in response to plant interactions is a far more important subject to be studied for their effective applications. In this review, the Pseudomonads have been analyzed extensively for their genome; biomolecules produced and plant beneficial activities. Thus, the present work helps future endeavors for Pseudomonad research by streamlining the areas.

Key words: Biocontrol; induced systemic resistance (ISR); PGPR; phytopathogen; Pseudomonas spp.; rhizosphere

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