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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2348-2352

A Study On The Emotional Intelligence Of The Adolescents

Samprity Bhuyan.


Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. It is the period of physical growth and development .In other words, it is he period of mental maturation and maturation of behavior. This paper tries to investigate the emotional intelligence of the adolescence in terms of gender and also to compare the boys and girls on self-confidence and innovativeness (sub-area of emotional intelligence). The study was conducted on 200 adolescents of age ranged from 13-18 years (100 boys and 100 girls) studying in different schools of Guwahati city. The schools were selected randomly. To find out the significance differences between the two comparison group t-test was applied. Results showed that girls were more emotionally intelligent and self-confident as compared to boys and boys were more innovative as compared to girls.

Key words: Study , Emotional , Intelligence , Adolescents

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