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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2353-2376

Validation Of A Pedagogical Model Focused On The Construction Of The Robust Meaning Of Volatility For Higher Level Students

Miguel Andrés Díaz Osorio, Orlando García Hurtado, Julián Rolando Camargo López.


This article analyzes the results of a system of activities designed to establish the proper construction of meaning in students of administrative careers. The analysis is performed in four dimensions, the first consists of the statistical analysis first in descriptive form and later adapts the application of the Wilcoxon (1970) test. The second refers to the attitudes of students towards the general topic of statistics and then to the specific topic of volatility, at this stage the survey designed by Auzmendi (1992) is used. The third section analyzes the elements present in the construction of meaning proposed by Godino (1994). In the fourth and final section, it was analyzed the video evidence obtained in each session using the Planas (2006) model. The pedagogical model used, and the application of the activities took place at the Antonio Nariño University, Bogotá, Colombia, for two groups of second-year students in administrative careers.

Key words: Construction of meaning, volatility, validation, challenge exercises.

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