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Comparison of spirometric functions in patients with asthma who underwent laparoscopic gastric bypass versus laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: A retrospective study

Burcu Yormaz.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: Morbid obesity has become a global problem in our day, and different surgical methods are used in its solution. We aimed to compare the spirometric function results of asthmatic morbid obese who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) versus laparoscopic roux n y gastric bypass (LGB).
Materials and Methods: We have retrospectively reviewed seventy two asthmatic patients who underwent LSG and LGB for morbid obesity between march 2016 and january 2020 in pulmonology department. Demographic findings, spirometrıc outcomes, and hospital stay were assessed. Statistically significant results were accepted as p

Key words: Gastric bypass; sleeve gastrectomy; spirometry

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