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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6506-6512

Islam: A Religion Of Peace

Stuti Jairath, Dr. Abnish Kaur.


The entire universe has a culture of peace. There are many objects in the cosmos, including stars, planets, and galaxies. All of these celestial objects are moving, including the sun, the moon, and the planets as well as the stars and the moon. God's Word has been preserved in the Quran, while Prophet Muhammad's life and times are documented in the Sunnah. Both are essential because they inform man of the reason for his existence and introduce him to God's Creation Plan. In the Quran, all the fundamental principles of spirituality, ethics, and peaceful behaviour are spelt out in detail. The Quran places a strong emphasis on character development through self-examination and conforming to God's will. It does not call upon the believer to use violence against others or to cause their destruction wherever.

Key words: Religion, Peace, Islam, Prophet Muhammad, Quran.

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