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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6513-6518

Evaluation Of Divorce Rate And Its Impact On The Society Of Burhanpur District Of Madhya Pradesh

Komal shukla, Dr. Bhagwat Singh Rai.


Divorce, as a social problem involving the formal breakdown of the marriage and the couple's separation, plays a vital role in terms of its impact on population growth and altering family structure. The primary purpose of the study was to analyse the data utilising autodynamics questions on the impacts of divorce on children, social life, employment, finances, divorce causes, parental history, and socioeconomic level. Eighty percent of divorced families believe that divorce has a negative influence on their children, whereas twenty percent believe that divorce has no effect on their children. One hundred percent of families agreed that divorce has an impact on social life. Twenty percent of families agreed that divorce has an impact on social life. Eighty percent of families agreed that divorce has an impact on employment. 60% of respondents in the study were judged to be urban, whereas 40% were rural.

Key words: Divorce; Society; Marriage; Man and Women; Burhanpur.

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