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Color stability comparisons of different type composite resins after curing and when aged in various staining solutions

BaSak Yazkan, Duygu Recen.

Cited by 1 Articles

Aim: To compare the color stability of two bulkfill (ormocer based or not), two flowable (high and low viscosity) and a universal nanohybrid composite resin after curing and when aged in different staining solutions.
Material and Methods: Three hundred twenty discs were made from a low-flowable nanohybrid composite (GrandioSO Heavy Flow), a flowable nanohybrid composite (Grandio Flow), a bulkfill composite (GrandioSO x-tra), an ormocer-based bulkfill composite (Admira Fusion X-tra) and a universal nanohybrid composite (Grandio SO) (n=64). Specimens were subdivided into 4 subgroups, which were immersed in one of the following solutions for 3 hours a day for 30 days: distilled water, filter coffee, red wine and coke (n=16). Color evaluations were done using a dental spectrophotometer at three evaluation stages: immediately before curing, 24 hours after curing and 30 days of staining.
Results: After curing; the universal nanohybrid and bulkfill composite showed significantly greater ΔE values than other type composite resins (p

Key words: Composite resins; staining; color; flowable hybrid composites; ormocers

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