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Case Report

Pasireotide: A new option for treatment of acromegaly

Filiz Eksi Haydardedeoglu, Okan Bakiner.


Acromegaly is characterized by excess production of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Although surgery is the first treatment option, somatostatin receptor analogs (SSRAs) can be used in selected cases which surgery is contraindicated. A patient who has been diagnosed as acromegaly was admitted to our hospital. Hypophyseal adenomectomy had been performed one year ago. The patient was taking lanreotide for 6 months and disease was not under control. She had loss of vision. Although she had a residual tumor, second surgery couldn’t be performed due to the location of tumor. The patient was followed for 6 years. Radiotherapy and other medical treatment options were tried but none of them were successful. At the end of six years, pasireotide was started. At the third month of treatment, biochemical control was achieved. Pasireotide may be a treatment option for some patients with acromegaly that are inadequately controlled by first generation SSRAs.

Key words: Acromegaly, pasireotide, somatostatin analog

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