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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6519-6531

Impact Of Emotional Intelligence On Teacher Job Satisfaction In Primary Schools

Saif Ullah, Abdul Salam, Zulfiqar Ali, Umar Khan, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar.


This study focused on the investigation of emotional intelligence and its impact on job satisfaction of primary school teachers. Major research objectives to were assess emotional intelligence of primary schools teachers, to asses levels of job satisfaction of primary school teachers and to correlate emotional intelligence and teacher job satisfaction primary schools teachers. . Random sampling technique was used for gathering quantitative data using survey questionnaire. Population of the present study was comprised of all primary school teachers of district Mardan. The entire sample drawn from the whole population size is 348 teachers from 201 schools of elementary and secondary education department District Mardan. The research findings shows that the elements of self-emotions appraisal have a high mean value, while the use of emotion has a low mean value, and on an overall scale, most teachers have high emotional intelligence.

Key words: Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, emotions, primary school, Teacher.

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