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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021; 30(1): 12-17

Clinical Correlation of Periodontal Disease Parameters with Crevicular Blood Glucose Levels

Quratulain Saeed,Sarwat Memon,Mervyn Hosein,Sana Ikram.


Objective: The purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between the severity of periodontitis and gingival crevicular blood glucose levels.
Methods: A total number of 348 patients with chronic periodontitis participated in this cross-sectional study. The participants were assessed for severity of periodontitis according to clinical periodontal parameters. Gingival crevicular blood glucose was assessed via glucometers and random blood glucose levels were recorded for each patient. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis. The correlation between periodontal parameters and glycemic levels was assessed via Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Multiple regression analysis was used to predict the association of glycemic levels with periodontal parameters. Analysis of variance was used to compare the glycemic levels in patients with mild, moderate and advance periodontitis.
Results: Age, bleeding on probing and clinical attachment loss demonstrated significant association with crevicular blood glucose levels. There was a significant difference in mean blood glucose levels between mild, moderate and advanced periodontitis groups.
Conclusion: Clinical periodontal parameters and severity of periodontitis are strongly associated with increasing gingival crevicular blood glucose levels.

Key words: Blood glucose, inflammation, gingival bleeding, periodontitis

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