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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 628-631

Effect of dysmenorrhea on instrumental activities of daily living

Rabia Adil Butt, Urfah Zaigham, Farooq Islam, Asim Raza.


Objective: To find the effect of primary dysmenorrhea on instrumental activities of daily living in Gujrat, Pakistan.
Methodology: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted at University of Lahore Gujrat Campus, Pakistan. One sixty-one females with confirmed diagnosis of primary dysmenorrhea were included with age range between 18-36 years. We used non-probability convenient sampling. The data were collected using WaLIDD score (Working ability, location, intensity, days of pain dysmenorrhea), Visual Analogue Scale and Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Scale. Pearson's Correlation Coefficient was used to find the relationship among different variables. The data were analyzed through SPSS version 20.
Results: Mean age was 21.71±2.64 years. Out of 161 participants, 60.90% had moderate dysmenorrhea while mild and severe dysmenorrhea was present in 7.50% and 31.70%, respectively. Majority of females (62.10%) having IADL disability while nearly half of females (37.90%) had no disability. There was weak correlation between dysmenorrhea and IADL (p=0.003).
Conclusion: Moderate dysmenorrhea and severe intensity of pain was in majority of participants and more than half of females had instrumental activities of daily living disability. There was less significant correlation among the dysmenorrhea and instrumental activities of daily living.

Key words: Dysmenorrhea, instrumental activities, VAS scale.

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