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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3965-3976

Poverty And Role Of Indira Awaas Yojana (Iay) Scheme: A Study Of District Anantnag

Dr. Gousia Yaseen, Tehseen Sartaj.


The term ‘housing’ embodies the whole network of services and amenities available to make a reasonable and comfortable living. It is one of the basic needs for the survival of human beings in a society. Thus, housing satisfies a basic need next to food and clothing and provides social status, economic security and status for every normal person. For those who do not have it, its ownership brings in a profound social change in the existence, integrating the person with the immediate social milieu. The provision of shelter has become a big challenge for ensuring dignified living, personal growth and social well being in a productive society. Stable, affordable and accessible housing is directly and indirectly linked to human well-being. One can easily understand the socio-economic status of a family just by watching physical attributes of their housing. A person deprived of this basic need faces all odds of life and remains discriminated and marginalized in the society. Housing contributes significantly towards the configuration of cultured human existence. It was recognised during the seventh five year plan that Indian Government has to still play a major role in the development process in order to promote the interests of poor and curb inequalities in the level of development. In this regard, IAY Scheme was launched and a significant reduction in the incidence of poverty and improvements in the quality of life of the poor were seen.

Key words: Anantnag, Housing, Indira Awaas Yojana, Poverty.

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