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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8019-8026

The Marriage Contract From Perspective Of Compatibility: A Research Overview Of Islamic And Social Thoughts

Dr. Karim Dad, Dr. Abzahir Khan, Dr. Muhammad Zubair.


This research paper associates with and important issue i.e. compatibility before exercising the marriage contract. Compatibility means similarity between a male and female in several grounds before entertaining the marriage. This compatibility is regarded in Religious bond, Professional nature, Ethical values and caste etc. These qualities are either natural or otherwise acquired. The philosophy behind this concept is to make the marriage bond more reliable and everlasting. As it is evident from the common practice that ignoring the compatibility, the contract one way or the other has finally dissolved. That is why the Islamic Jurists have identified the varieties of grounds concerning the compatibility. Compatibility between the male and female is regarded for the purpose to strengthen the marriage bond only. It does not refer to superiority and discrimination on the base of tribe, cast or wealth. Because the religion of Islam never supports such trends. In Islamic point of view all men are created equal. The preference of one over the other is only due to acquired qualities and righteousness, as this is described in Surah Al-Hujrat Chapter No 49 Verse No 13 of the Holy Quran. This research paper aims to identify the real picture of compatibility and the virtues behind this phenomenon. The original sources are the Holy Quran, the sayings of the Holy Prophet S.A.W, whereas the provisional sources are the opinions of known Islamic scholars. The methodology adopted therein is qualitative and descriptive.

Key words: compatibility, marriage bond, Islamic Jurists

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