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Mini Review

Umbilical granuloma: an umbilical problem often encountered in outpatient settings; Mini Review

Indra Sandinirwan, Adhitya Agung Pratama.

Cited by 1 Articles

Newborns can often present with various abnormalities of the umbilicus, such as benign granuloma or more serious lesions due to persistent remnants. The persistence of granulation tissue in the umbilical is common and quite be alarming to parents and often encountered by physicians in outpatient settings. The most common signs and symptoms are umbilical discharge and a round lump from the umbilicus. If the size of the granuloma is large enough it can easily be seen by examination. There is very minimal literature that elaborates on the treatment and management of umbilical granuloma of such patients. A literature search was carried out in PubMed and Google Scholar for articles published between 2002 and 2020, with keywords such as “treatment of umbilical granuloma” and “management of umbilical granuloma”. These articles were used to draw down some basic guidelines and clinical tips that can aid in the treatment of umbilical granuloma in limited facilities.

Key words: umbilicus, granulation tissue, umbilical discharge, round lump

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