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Case Report

Sublingual varices - a hazard for dental procedures

Khurshid A Mattoo, Rashid Hussin MM.

Cited by 1 Articles

Normal anatomical variations in the oral cavity involving blood vessels may pose an emergency situation for dentists. Oral procedures resulting in iatrogenic trauma are common, especially in educational settings. We present a case of an elderly male patient who reported for fabrication of a complete denture prosthesis. Routine clinical examination revealed the presence of large, dilated, tortuous, blue/ purple coloured, bilaterally distributed varicose veins on the undersurface of the tongue. Lesion blanched on the application of pressure. The complete denture fabrication was done after consultation with a physician who instructed me to be careful while performing dental procedures. Sharp edges of instruments, materials and procedures were avoided during the fabrication of the prosthesis. A complete denture with balanced occlusion was fabricated and delivered to the patient who reported to be satisfied with the outcome of the denture.

Key words: varicose vein, hypertension, aging, ranula, internal hemorrhage

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