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Original Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(10): 1722-1732

Awareness, attitudes, and practice toward prevention of COVID-19 pandemic among the public in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Mahmoud Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Reem Abdulrahman Almohaini, Lujain Habeb Allowaihiq, Nadeef Jaafar Alqahtani.


Background: Due to the daily increase of COVID-19 cases and the daily changes in the numbers of confirmed cases, society members are obligated to know about COVID-19 to help health sectors in controlling the situation, avoid high mortality, and prevent further complications outbreaks.
Aim: This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice toward the prevention of COVID-19 outbreak among the public in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the general population of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from May to June 2020. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed among the public using online platforms. The questionnaire included socio-demographic data and a set of questions that assessed knowledge, attitude, and practices toward COVID-19 prevention. Data were tabulated and coded in MS Excel, and statistical analyses were performed using statistical package for social sciences version 26.
Results: A total of 447 respondents were recruited. Findings of this study showed that there was good knowledge (74.7%), positive attitude (87%), and good practices (72.3%) among participants toward COVID-19 prevention. In addition, the statistical test revealed that the younger age group (18-24 years) had better knowledge (p < 0.001), while males (p < 0.001) and those who underwent swab test (p = 0.006) demonstrated better practices toward COVID-19 prevention. In contrast, participants who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection exhibited significantly lower attitudes (p = 0.044).
Conclusion: There was adequate level of knowledge, attitude, and practices among the general population regarding COVID-19 prevention. Better knowledge toward the prevention of COVID-19 can be seen better among young adults, while males demonstrate better practices and those who had swab tests. Nonetheless, participants being infected by the virus seems to have less attitude toward COVID-19 prevention.

Key words: COVID-19, knowledge, attitude, practices, prevention

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