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Original Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(10): 1733-1739

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Eating Disorders among Alfaisal University Students, Saudi Arabia

Saud Abdulbadie Khan, Nawaf Alenazi, Mohammed Yousef Alsalloum, Rasheed Awad, Abdullaziz Bahayan, Ahmed Hamed.


Background: Eating disorders (ED) are chronic psychiatric conditions that have multiple consequences. It is very common among the adolescent population, especially university students, due to their academic pressures. The present study was aimed at the prevalence and associated factors of ED among Alfaisal University students, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the prevalence and associated risk factors with developing ED among 289 students of Alfaisal University, Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia. Stratified sampling was used to select a representative sample. Then, systematic random sampling was employed to select the required sample size. The validated Eating Attitudes Test was used as the study instrument.
Results: Among the study subjects (289 students) participated, including 73% females and 27% males, 49.1% were Saudi, and 50.9% were non-Saudi. Most of them were medical students (74.7%). The high-risk EDs were 27.7%, with nationality, gender, and body mass index (BMI) the most effective predictors.
Conclusion: The prevalence of high-risk students with potential ED among Alfaisal University students was found 27.7%, with nationality, gender, and BMI as the three most effective predictors. Early identification of factors associated with ED and raising awareness are essential for early prevention and better outcomes.

Key words: Eating disorders, eating attitudes test, University students, Saudi Arabia.

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