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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2420-2431


Barnali Saikia.


People enter into old age when they are nearing the end of their lives. Despite their desire to live a long life, the changes that occur during this age are unavoidable, unpleasant, undesired, and trouble-filled to the people. Changes in physiological, cognitive, and personality characteristics occur, just as they did earlier in life. Many individuals assume that intellectual developments are terrifying. Personality is another trait that isn't expected to stiffen with age, but recent study has shown that personality is changeable rather than rigid. Other life transitions, such as retirement, the death of a spouse, or a change in living circumstances, might be difficult to adjust to. They emphasise the exhilarating and adventurous spirit of youth at the time. These are the types of circumstances that make a person feel ineffective and socially alienated. However, if a person perceives these changes positively and sees aging as a positive aspect, age does not become a problem, even if the body begins to fail. Their positive outlook will equip them with the energy to live a joyful life despite their challenges. Problems happen at every stage of life, and we must face them head on in order to make healthy changes as we go.

Key words: old age, adjustment

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