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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 180-184

Domestic violence against pregnant women and its effects on their reproductive health

Sana Ehsan, Tehmina Sattar, Rabia Nisar.


Objective: To explore the causes of domestic violence against pregnant women and its effects on their reproductive health in gynecological situates of Nishtar hospital Multan, Pakistan.
Methodology: This qualitative study was conducted at Nishtar Hospital Multan, Pakistan from March to June 2019 and included 16 physically battered pregnant women who were interviewed through sequential sampling technique.
Results: The major causes were their younger age at time of marriage, rural residence, non-occupational and low socio-economic status and low education level. The other reported causes were previously giving birth to daughters, usual quarrels with mother-in-law on matters of contraceptive usage, lack of women subordination towards husband on fertility decisions, financial issues during pregnancy and neglected household chores in antenatal period. The frequently stated effects of domestic violence were pregnancy complications (15), future infertility (13) and sexual disorders (12).
Conclusion: Various causes of domestic violence against pregnant women affected their reproductive health. The role of social media, government, health professionals and sociologists can mitigate this phenomenon against pregnant women.

Key words: Domestic violence, pregnant, reproductive health.

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