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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021; 30(3): 194-198

Evaluation of the Marginal Location and Periodontal Health in Crowns and Bridges: A Patient Preference Based Study

Misha Salim,Rija Tirmizi,Naseer Ahmed,Maria Shakoor Abbasi,Muneeb Ahmed lone,Haroon Rashid,Rizwan Jouhar.



OBJECTIVE: To evaluate periodontal health and marginal location preference in extra coronal restoration of anterior and posterior teeth.

METHODOLOGY: In this retrospective case control study, a total of 652 patients were included who had crown and bridge for not less than six months. Pictures of subgingival, supragingival and equigingival margins were showed before asking their preference. Adjacent sound teeth were used as controls and examined for periodontal health. Descriptive statistics and Chi square test were used for analysis to formulate the results.

RESULTS: The majority of patients preferred equiginigval margin for their anterior crowns 495 (75.92%), supraginigival margin 131 (20.09%) and subgingival margin 26 (3.99%). In the posterior teeth supragingival margin 586 (89.87%) equigingival 52 (7.97%), and subgingival 13 (3.98%) were opted. For the crown margin in anterior, esthetics was the main reason for selection of equisingular margin 547 (83.89%). For crown margin in posterior teeth, hygiene 599 (91.87%) followed by durability 26 (3.98%) while esthetics was 19 (2.91%) as the main reasons.
Additionally, 92% were not given a chance by the dentist to give input about margin location preference. The teeth with adequate marginal integrity had good periodontal health status when compared with control.

CONCLUSION: This study describes that, even with cutting edge technology the neck position of an artificial crown and bridge is critical to the health of gingiva. Therefore, for fixed prosthesis restoration it is important to wisely consider the option of subgingival, equigingival or supragingival margins to achieve optimal periodontal health and patient satisfaction. Which will assure permanency of the treatment.

KEY WORDS: Crown and Bridge, Margin location, Periodontal Health.

Key words: Crown and Bridge, Margin location, Periodontal Health

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