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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 363-639

Urinary tract infections in pregnancy and its complications in newborns

Mahjabeen Yaseen, Sadia Rashid, Shagufta Naqvi, Uzma Salman.


Objective: To determine the association of fetal complications like low birth weight and preterm birth with UTI in pregnancy.
Methodology: This retrospective cross-sectional study was based on secondary data of outpatients Obstetric Clinics at Jinnah Medical College Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan from January to December 2017. Relevant Data of all the pregnant females were included. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 25.
Results: Out of 564 females, 48 (8.50%) had UTI sometime during pregnancy. Majority of patients (54.2%) (n=26) were infected with E. coli. Out of 438 normal weight babies (>2.5kg), only 13 were born to mother with UTI. In contrast, 35 out of 126 low birth weight babies were born to mothers with UTI. The observed correlation coefficient (r) is -0.105, which suggest negative and very low correlation. It suggests that with increasing age of the mother gestational period decreases.
Conclusion: UTI in pregnancy was associated with low birth weight of neonates and preterm delivery. In order to avoid these complications, UTI should have to be addressed and treated appropriately in all pregnant females irrespective of their symptoms and gestational week.

Key words: UTI, Low birth weight, preterm birth, newborns.

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