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Do health professionals apply behaviors of the healthy life style?

Yildirim Yilgin, Ismail Kasim, Duygu Ayhan Baser, Irfan Sencan, Rabia Kahveci, Adem Ozkara.

Cited by 2 Articles

Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate health-promoting behaviors of health professionals in our hospital and to determine the demographic characteristics that influence these behaviors.
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on 1679 health professionals who served as specialist doctors, assistant doctors, midwives, nurses and health technicians. Data was collected by questionnaire and Health-Promoting-Lifestyle-Profile-II (HPLP-II). On the days of data collection, 331 health care workers working in polyclinics, services and laboratories were reached ;the response rate was 96.6% (N=320).
Results: 60.6% of health workers were women. The mean age was 33 ± 4.71 (17-59) years. Health promotion behavior of the health workers is at a moderate level (125.0 ±18.4) and the highest score was for spiritual growth subscale and the lowest score was for physical activity subscale. Nutrition subscales 40 for years and over age group were found to be significantly higher (p=0.005). Women received higher scores from overall scale and all subscales except physical activity and health responsibilities (p

Key words: Health personnel; healthy life style; health promotion

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