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Amylase production by Aspergillus niger in submerged cultivation using cassava

Muralikandhan Kamaraj, Dhanasekaran Subramaniam.

Cited by 5 Articles

α-amylase can be produced from cassava using Aspergillus niger MTCC-282 in submerged state which is studied in this investigation. It reveals the possible use of cassava for a large-scale production of a-amylase substantially decreasing the organic wastes. Using central composite design (CCD), every separate and interactive effect of experimental factors such as pH, temperature, fermentation time, and substrate concentration can be found from central composite design (CCD). Furthermore, inoculum concentration is inferred for the a-amylase production. The optimum values are pH – 4.8; temperature – 32.4oC; fermentation time – 79.5 h; inoculum concentration – 5.07%; and substrate concentration – 18.2 g/L for a-amylase production using Aspergillus niger from cassava. Maximum amylase activity was found to be 14.01 U/ml under optimum conditions.

Key words: Alpha amylase; Cassava; Aspergillus niger; Submerged fermentation; Optimization; Plackett-Burman Design

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