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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6538-6542

Analytical Study On Economic And Social Development In Bilaspur Under National Urban Livelihood Mission

Dr. Payal Sharma, Vikas Pandey.


The study examines the impact of social and economic growth on the success of the National Urban Livelihood Mission Project in the city of Bilaspur. The study is based on primary data that was gathered utilising structured questionnaires and interviewing techniques. 200 sample participants are randomly picked from self-help group participants in Bilaspur city's National Urban Livelihood Mission Project. The majority of participants had completed secondary education, according to the survey, with a mean score of 76.1728 (standard deviation: 7.46557). However, after joining self-help groups, their awareness of a variety of topics expanded.It is proposed that raising knowledge of additional government programmes offered through the national urban livelihood mission as well as bank policies is essential. The national urban livelihood mission programme should encourage women in self-help groups to participate in the entirety of the urban development awareness campaign.

Key words: Social development; Economic Development; national urban livelihood mission; Self-help groups; family.

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