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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6059-6068

Need And Urgency Of Landslide Risk Planning In Nilgiris Hills Of Tamil Nadu State

S Uma Maheswari, Dr. Bhupathi Rav.


Landslides are one of the most widespread concerns around the world, including in India. The Indian hill masses are prone to landslides, which range in severity from minor to severe. The Nilgiris district, located on the Western Ghats in southern India, has a High to Severe Landslide Hazard. Landslides have been more common in the Nilgiris in recent years. According to the findings, the eastern section of the research region is more vulnerable to landslides. Tourist attractions, banks, ATMs, educational institutions, hospitals, bus stops, and train stations are among the important infrastructure, transportation, and lifeline utilities that might be threatened in landslide-prone locations. During landslides, these are the elements that are at danger. The majority of landslides are caused by heavy rainfall, human and cultural activities, according to previous landslide inventories. Approximately 65 percent of key infrastructure and 36 percent of transportation and lifeline utilities in the research region are vulnerable to catastrophic landslides. The findings of this study may be used as first-hand knowledge by decision-makers and planners, as well as for future development operations in the Nilgiris district of India's landslide-prone areas.

Key words: Landslide; hazard; mitigation; planning; Risk.

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