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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 921-927

Emotional Maturity and Social Esteem of Adolescents

Dr. C. Ashok Kumar.


Emotion is a condition of exceptional preparation for crisis activity. It's anything but an adjustment of the action of the organs of course absorption, etc. It's anything but an adjustment of mental movement and frequently, an adjustment of deliberate action. The entirety of this the difference in movement inside the mind, the adjustment of compulsory action, or the impact on our organs; and the change compulsory action establish the feeling. Social esteem is simply the manner in which one feels and it likewise incorporates how much they possesses sense of pride and self-acknowledgment. Social esteem implies the worth attributed by the person to himself and the way he dreams or sees himself. Social esteem isn't acquired person rather by cooperation with different variables it savvy and assembles.

Key words: EM-Emotional Maturity; SE-Social Esteem; WHO-World Health Organization;

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