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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 928-935

Ancient To Modern Teacher Training To Teacher Education Of India With Respect To New Education Policy 2019

Dr. Sushma Shirish Tirhekar.


The advent of a broader concept of education including within its fold the total personality of the teacher - pupil and aiming at his/ her all-round development, the functions and responsibilities of the teacher have increased with the time. In the broader sense 'teacher education' refers to the total of educative experience which contribute to the preparation of a person for a teaching position in schools, but the term is more commonly employed to designate the programme of courses and other experiences offered by an educational institute for the announced purpose of preparing persons for teaching and other educational service and for contributing to their growth in competency for such service. The nature of education is what economists call a quasi-public good‘. In other words, the benefits of education accrue not only to the individuals who are educated, but more broadly to society as a whole. There is shift from teacher training to teacher education with the time to time change in the societal demand and globalization.

Key words: Teacher Training / Education, New Education Policy 2019, Commissions of the Education system in India.

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