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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 936-946

Sexual Offences And Abuses Against Children: A Study Of Gaps ,Provisions , Concerns And Challenges In Pocso Act 2012

Sanjay Verma.


The paper studies the causes, extent, effect, prevalence and laws in existence for the protection of children from sexual offences specifically in India and a bird eye view of the sexual abuses globally. The menace of violence’s against child is witnessing uptrends in recent years compelling the States to enact separate laws for the prevention of sexual abuses against the children.The children is the most vulnerable section of the society who feels helpless in protecting themselves against any type of violence’s against them, therefore, can seek refuges of laws framed for addressing their problems. The paper analyses the international laws, conventions and protocols for safeguarding and protecting the interests of children and the country wise prevalence of the sexual violence’s against the children. The primary aim of the study is to evaluate,analyse the POCSO Act 2012 enacted in India for curbing the incidence of sexual abuses against the child and state wise prevalence of child related sexual crimes and the reasons attributed thereof.

Key words: Child Sexual Abuse, Penetrative Sexual Assault, Aggravated Penetrative Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Aggravated Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment

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