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Case Report

A rare case of rhinosinusitis: Three different complications in a patient

Yusuf Cagdas Kumbul, Sarper Sayin, Erdogan Okur, Hasan Yasan, Mehmet Emre Sivrice.

Cited by 0 Articles

The aim of this study is to describe the management of three different complications associated with rhinosinusitis which developed simultaneously in the same patient. A 27-year-old man visited the emergency department with complaints of headache and swelling of the left eye. He had sustained a blunt head injury 1 month earlier. He was diagnosed with preseptal cellulitis, subdural abscess, and Pott’s puffy tumor which was shown to be a result of rhinosinusitis after physical examination and imaging. After surgical and medical treatment, he was followed up without further complications. Complications of acute rhinosinusitis are very uncommon in the antibiotic era. Patients may suffer life-threatening outcomes if complications develop. A prompt multidisciplinary approach must be immediately established by otorhinolaryngologists, ophthalmologists and other specialists of relevance in order to diagnose and treat life-threatening complications.

Key words: Complications; Pott’s puffy tumor; rhinosinusitis; subdural abscess

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