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Aplasia Cutis Congenita

Ana Margarida Leite, Tiago Branco, Joana Soares, Francisco Silva, Vera Rocha.

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Aplasia cutis congenital (ACC) is a disease characterized by the localized absence of skin at birth. ACC is a rare cutaneous finding and is usually isolated and benign, however, it may be associated with other anomalies or malformative syndromes. It most often affects the scalp, but ACC can appear anywhere on the body. Diagnosis is fundamentally clinical.
We describe a female newborn who presents at birth an erythematous area on the scalp without skin. In the absence of other anomalies, diagnosis of ACC was considered and topical treatment was initiated. Aplasia cutis congenital can cause great parental anxiety, so recognition by Pediatrics is of crucial importance for the correct clarification of parents and clinical guidance.

Key words: Aplasia cutis congenita, skin, newborn

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