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Review Article

A comprehensive review on oilseed cakes and their potential as a feedstock for integrated biorefinery

Nayanika Sarkar, Debosmita Chakraborty, Rishita Dutta, Parul Agrahari, Deepika Bharathi Sundaram, Apurva Anand Singh, Samuel Jacob.


In oil processing industry, large number of oilseed cakes remains after the extraction of oil. Oilseed cakes and meals are the residues would act as valuable feeds for livestock as it is rich in protein. These agricultural residues serve as a major valuable feedstock for cattle and used for the production of value-added products such as biogas, biofuel, biopolymer, antibiotics, enzymes, etc. The usage of oilseed cake as raw material would reduce environmental pollution as well as the production cost. This can be served as a potential solution to overcome nutritional problems in animals by enriching the nutrition using appropriate technologies. As the world moving towards sustainable fuel and chemical synthesis using renewable resources deemed as second-generation biofuel feedstock rather than fossil fuels, these non-edible oilseed cakes are used to produce biofuels with an integrated biorefinery perspective. The oilseed cakes plays vital role in the area of enzyme and fermentation technology. The fermentation process using fungi could act as relatively low-cost appropriate technology for upgrading nutrients in oilseed cakes. Oilseed cakes are rich in fibre and have a high concentration of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) such as cellulose and hemicellulose (Xylan). Lipase and alpha-amylase are the two most essential enzymes produces by the oilseed cake. This review focuses on exploiting the various oilseed cakes and their commercial utilization by implementing various biotechnological approaches.

Key words: Oilseed cakes, Cattle feed, Biofuel, Fermentation, Biorefinery, Biotechnological approaches.

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