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Review Article

TAF Prev Med Bull. 2010; 9(3): 233-238

Fluorosis as an Environmental Disease and its Effect on Human Health

Ercan,Varol, Simge,Varol.


Fluoride is a halogene found in earth, water, rocks, air, plants and animal tissue in various amounts. In normal conditions, people daily take fluoride compounds in amounts without any harmful effects this cause fewer dental caries and the formation of stronger bones. However, if the amount of fluoride taken daily exceeds the safety threshold, chronic fluoride intoxication, known as fluorosis, arises. As a result of fluorosis, pathological changes appear in tooths, skeletal system, liver, kidney, heart, gastrointestinal system and endocrin system.

Key words: Fluorosis, Endemic Fluorosis, Human Health, Medical Geology

Article Language: Turkish English

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