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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6543-6548

Integral Humanism And The Modern World

Kanishk Kant Misra, Dr. Deepak Singh.


Integral humanism refers to a vision of a perfect human being confronted by a possible, utopian global world. It's about an integral human being, spiritual, imaginative, and rational, confronted with the three global networks he built to survive well balanced within the wholeness of existence: the functionally hierarchical network of states, the concurrent network of corporations, and the cooperative network of civil society. Integral humanism appears to be a dream, but it appears to be the only solution for the too skilled, tricky, and apparent spiritual being who dominates a limited natural environment in a recklessly authoritarian manner, while unable to control at least his inner and (possibly too) close natural instincts. Already presented remedies, which emphasised the importance of turning on rational or spiritual constructs at the level of the human mind or the society we live in, proved to be ineffective due to their simplicity. Its implications range from most complex organizations such as the government to the simplest ones aka our personal lives. Through this research paper an attempt has been made to study the implications of integral humanism in the modern world w.r.t. the contribution of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay to the relevant thought process.

Key words: Integral humanism, rational, environment, organization and government.

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