A child can learn different types of skills if the 21st-century entrepreneurship skill methodology is adopted and incorporated into the school curriculum. In today’s era, an evaluation evolved in the education domain, and new teaching methodologies adopted by Western countries’schools to make the learning process more effective. This creative approach changes the lives of the students and they are learning and enhancing their knowledge to become productive members of society in their adulthood which will give them wings to think out of the box and creatively understand their inner skills. This paper derives in-depth study and a mixed-method approach is used and both primary and secondary data are collected to understand that 21stentrepreneurship skills can bridge educational gaps, these skills are beneficial for the students, and students are willing to adopt new teaching methodology in their course curriculum, and systemic process of Incorporating 21st-century skills in the school curriculum. Also, the role of social workers, educationalists, and NGOs play an important role because they arealso willing to incorporate this teaching methodology into the education system to enhance the quality of education
Key words: 21st Century Skills, Education, Skills, Students, India, NGO, Social Workers, Teaching.