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CSLL. 2021; 1(2): 103-122

Philosophizing 9/11: Baudrillard, Zizek, and Virilio


Cited by 1 Articles

In the first anniversary of 9/11, Verso publishers published three books that discuss the terrorist attacks and their repercussions written by three philosophers: Jean Baudrillard, Slavoj Zizek and Paul Virilio. They respectively discuss the impact of 9/11 from a philosophical point of view. Each philosopher has a unique approach in explaining the ramifications of the attacks on the United States of America and the world. This paper discusses the main ideas of these philosophers and how they tackle the magnitude of the attacks. This paper uses close reading to analyze these three texts and it compares and contrasts some of the pivotal ideas while zeroing on in the significance of 9/11 and what it introduces into the world according to the understanding of these three philosophers.

Key words: 9/11, Terrorism, Media, Globalization, Capitalism, Philosophy

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