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Review Article

NNJ. 2020; 9(1): 41-44

A study to identify the factors associated with nosocomial infection among health workers

Mrs. Bhuvaneshwari. D.


Abstract: Good health depends on the part of safe environment at practices or techniques that control or prevent transmission of infection which helps to protect the clients and health care workers from disease. Nosocomial infections, also known as hospital-acquired infections are newly acquired infections that are contracted within a hospital environment. Objective: 1.To identify the factors associated with nosocomial infection. 2. To associate the factors associated with nosocomial infection with demographic variable. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at Shenoy Nagar Health Centre, Chennai. Descriptive research design and explorative research approach was used. Samples of 20 Multi-Purpose Health worker were selected using Non-Probability convenient sampling technique on the basis of inclusion criteria. Data was collected by using Modified infection control assessment tool. Results :The overall study reveals that the factors standard precautions and pre and post-operative practices were moderately associated with nosocomial infection (80%) whereas the factor labour room practices was also moderately associated with nosocomial infection but it is (75%). Conclusion: The study findings concluded that all the three factors standard precautions, labour room practices, pre and post-operative practices are moderately associated with hospital acquired infection.

Key words: Nosocomial infection, Standard precaution, Health worker

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