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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6549-6559

The State Of Education In Pakistan From 1947 To 2019: A Content Analysis Of The Three Selected English Newspapers Of Pakistan

Bahrul Amin, Dr. Muhammad Babar Akram, Dr. Zaheer Abbas, Shadab Iqbal.


The achievement of universal education has ever been remained an official objective in Pakistan. Since her inception in 1947, the realization of the concept has remained pivotal in governmental policies, such as the surge of budget, elimination of gender disparity, eradicate discrepancies in medium of instruction, and cope the out-going school children. Despite continuous efforts and changing policies, Pakistan could not achieve the desirable results in the field of education. And still seeking to improve the quality of education. An addition, education is one of the fundamental human rights, guarantees by the article 25-A of the constitution of Pakistan 1973. Whereas, Pakistan is one of the lowest literacy rate countries in South Asia of having only 58% literacy rate. Poor education in the country, because of insufficient budget, which continuously fluctuated e.g. only 2.4% budget allocated of the GDP in 2019 annual budget. This research work is going to find out the state of education in Pakistan. Content analysis was employed for research work, the content was education status in Pakistan by following three Pakistani English newspapers e.g. the dawn, the news, and the nation. Furthermore, the duration of the content was three months e.g. June, July and august, 2019. Although, some major themes were designed which further categories in sub themes. Moreover, numerous reasons were also designed to eradicate the menace of poor quality of education in Pakistan.

Key words: Education in Pakistan, News Paper, content analysis.

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