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Original Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(9): 1671-1675

Pre-travel vaccination attitudes and health advice seeking among general population in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional survey-based study

Abdullah Musaad A. Alghamdi, Assim Abdulhamid H. Felemban, Turki Abdullah Madani, Abdulmajeed Medhat A. Khafagy, Turki Abdulgany M. Helal, Albaraa Hussain A. Nayyaz, Khaled A. Yaghmour.


Background: Vaccinations have proven to be one of the most effective tools for preventing health-related risks among travelers. The current study aimed at observing health practices among the general population regarding travel medicine.
Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted among 684 participants in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Data were collected by sending the questionnaire through online platforms to the whole targeted population of Jeddah.
Results: A considerable percentage of the participants acknowledged the importance of vaccinations (70.8%) before traveling and their protective effects against infections (86.1%). Furthermore, 54.1% of the participants were against the fear of side effects as a cause to avoid the required vaccines, and 77.6% of them disagreed that vaccinations are just a pre-travel routine with no benefit.
Conclusion: Overall travel attitudes and practices in our participants are positive; however, further studies targeting tourists in international airports in Saudi Arabia are recommended that can help improve travel medicine and prevent infectious diseases in Saudi Arabia.

Key words: Pre-travel vaccinations, travel medicine, health-seeking pre-traveling

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