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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 587-588

Prevalence of leg pain and knee contractures in children having clubfoot

Aqsa Naveed, Syeda Arooj Fatima, Saba Riaz, Somia Sabeeh Awan, Muhammed Shareef Waqas, Sameen Aslam.


Objective: To determine the prevalence of leg pain, lower limb contracture, and limitation of movement in children having club-foot.
Methodology: In this observational study, 97 children having club foot aged between 9 months-10 years were included. Goniometer and Wong baker pain scale were used. Data were analyzed on SPSS 21.
Results: Out of 97 children, 46 had both feet involved. 39.2% had leg pains and 60.82% had no leg pain. The ankle had contracture and limitation of movement in 82.47% of children and knee was involved in only 2.1%; 17.5% did not have knee involvement.
Conclusion: Leg pain among children having club foot is not highly prevalent. Ankle contracture and limitation of the movement were prevalent, but the knee was not commonly affected.

Key words: Clubfoot, leg pain, foot deformities.

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