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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 538-541

Levels of interleukins in pre-diabetic and non-diabetic beta thalassemic children

Nafisa Nihal, Rukhshan Khurshid, Uzma Jabbar, Naim Ahmad Nizami, Maira Mahmood, Hafiza Hina Pasha.


Objective: To find the correlation of Interleukins (IL) with impaired fasting glucose and insulin resistance in female beta thalassemic children.
Methodology: Thirty-five female children of Beta thalassemia major with impair fasting blood glucose were taken as group A and 35 beta thalassemic children with normal blood glucose were taken as control (group B). Age range was 10-12 years. Level of fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, ferritin, IL 1, 2, 4, & 13 were estimated.
Results: Mean level of serum IL-1 was increased along with decreased values of IL 2, IL 4 & IL 13 in group A in comparison with group B. Mean levels of fasting serum insulin in group A was significantly increased in comparison with group B. Values of insulin resistance in group A and group B were 2.9 and 0.7, respectively.
Conclusion: An indirect link of impaired fasting glucose and insulin resistance with interleukins may increase the risk of developing type 1 diabetes in children with thalassemia major on long-term blood transfusion. However, further study is needed on large number of both genders to reach a better conclusion.

Key words: Interleukins, beta thalassemia major, blood glucose.

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